If you need music & culture in various genres for a private or commercial event in Bergen and Norway in general: Just contact me. As simple as that.

Live bands, Artists, DJ`s, Dancers, Orchestras, Duo`s, Trios`s, in all kinds of genres like: Cuban, Hip hop, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop, Soul etc. Most of what I can book to your venue/concept is based in Bergen, Norway.

If you want to have an art exhibition in Bergen, I might book you in if I see it fits the concept.
Art work: Boemo Hansen https://www.instagram.com/_boemo_/

If you are a band, artist, DJ, Dancer, Orchestra etc and are looking for work/bookings.
- If you need music & culture in various genres for a private or commercial event in Bergen and Norway in general: Just contact me. As simple as that.
- Live bands, Artists, DJ`s, Dancers, Orchestras, Duo`s, Trios`s, in all kinds of genres like: Cuban, Hip hop, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop, Soul etc. Most of what I can book to your venue/concept is based in Bergen, Norway.
- If you want to have an art exhibition in Bergen, I might book you in if I see it fits the concept.
- If you are a band, artist, DJ, Dancer, Orchestra etc and are looking for work/bookings.
- If you need guitar for a studio recording; Electric, Acoustic, 12-string, Slide etc.
- If you need recommendations for other instruments, producers, studios, etc for your production; I have an international web of contacts and might help you to find the correct and specific musician/producers/studio.
- Do you need recommendations on photographers, illustrators, designers etc for cover-art, posters, web design etc?
- If any of these apply to you, please send your inquiry to my mail with the specifics you want
- Feel free to browse my current work and concepts with pictures and general info